Why TradeTech ?

    • Focus on generating Alpha return.
    • Experienced research professional having 20 years of experience in trading financial instruments.
    • Holistic research approach focused on quantitative analysis of financial market data.
    • Focus on diversification among asset class to maximize risk adjusted return.
    • Use of technologically advanced software for multi dimensional analysis of data.
    • Risk Profiling to match your risk appetite with the desired return.
    • Portfolio review and suggestion for adjustment and re-allocation of funds.
    • Brokerages have vested interest in advisory as they earn income from execution. Our sole focus on advisory makes us to focus on return for renewal advisory income.


To empower globally spread investors and traders through independent, in-depth, comprehensible and actionable research report on financial market.


Seamless access to unbiased data driven research to increase confidence in and depth of financial markets.